Most of Thursday's class will be devoted to a debate on the pros and cons of the Nearings' way of life. Groups 1 and 3 (moderated by Sonya) will be assigned the task of promoting it, groups 2 and 4 (moderated by Naomi) will be charged with criticizing it. Your job is to make the strongest case for your side of the debate, regardless of your own opinion.
1) Individually, before class.
Read the Nearing chapters carefully.2) Meet in class (10-15 minutes)Thoroughly prepare three points to support your side.
-formulate the issue
-show how the Nearings present it (or ignore it)
-refer to the theory behind it
-refer to their experience as reported in the book
-refer to more general experience in the world, or to the theory's (in)validity.
Get at least one suggestion from everyone in the group.3) Debate
Choose five strongest points.
Plot a strategy for presenting them.Order of presentation?
Links between points?
Anticipation of criticism?
Substantive statements of five points each by the two sides, introduced by their moderators. (10 minutes for each side)4) Evaluation of arguments. General discussion, no longer related to assigned sides. How much, if any, of the Nearings' project is practicable and desirable today? For whom? For what purpose?Caucus (10 minutes)
Rebuttals (10-15 minutes)
5) How do the Nearings' book and project contribute to your understanding of the practical and mythic place of farming in US culture?