1) Think about Lopez as an explorer. What are the goals
of his
explorations? What are the goals of his writing? What does
he seem to
want readers to take away from it?
2) How would you characterize Lopez's writing in terms of
3) What are the roles of imagination and objectivity in Lopez's
What is the balance of the personal and the impersonal?
4) Why does Lopez value narrative and story-telling so highly?
examples of the power of story do you see in his work? In other
texts we have read this semester?
5) How is section two of "The Stone Horse" different from sections
and three? What is the effect of this difference on the central
experience of the text?
6) How does Lopez think about time and history in "The Stone Horse"?
7) What is the place of music in "White Geese"?
8) Does "White Geese" have a practical, even a political, purpose?
so, how well does it achieve this purpose?
9) How does the wolverine story help make Lopez's point about narrative?
10) What's the difference between a story and a "catalog of events" (65)
11) Think about Lopez's notions of the interior and the exterior
landscape (see 66, 71). Do they work for you?
12) How does Lopez use his account of the Yukon-Charley trip to
ideas on "the meaning and importance of wilderness in America" (80)?
What important points does he make?